I love giving any advice I can - and the two Golden Rules are... READ and WRITE (even if it stinks... because it always stinks for a while.)
But I also thought it might be useful to collect my various in print musings on this question here.
So.... here are some articles, interviews, etc. in which I've tried to offer some advice.
My friend (the awesome Debbie Ridpath Ohi) asked me to answer 3 questions for her BLOG. One of those questions was "advice for young writers".
I met Bridget (from Bridget and the Books) at Nerd Camp and we chatted about writing.
Open Book Toronto asked me to answer 10 questions about my writing. This was a while back but I still stand by everything I said.
The National Post asked me to edit their Afterword section. I included this tidbit of advice... TAKE A BREAK.
KINDER LIT asked me to take a Proust Questionnaire.
A few years back I was a judge on the Seepe Walters contest and made this VIDEO with some advice.